Rotating equipment


Annual service with review of individual fan includes several important steps to ensure optimal function and long service life. During service, the first step is to crack indicate the impeller and its hub, in place if possible. If this is not physically possible, it is recommended that the impeller be removed at agreed intervals to enable crack indication and other troubleshooting.
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Service Services

  • Visual inspection of bearings, bearing housings, bellows, compensators, stands, foundations, rubber, electric motor and machine feet. Also wear check on fan wheel and its hub, shaft and loose parts.
  • Advanced controls with thickness and vibration measurement. These actions can be performed before scheduled service action or via real-time monitoring/current situation analysis in cloud services.
  • Balancing of fan wheels where imbalances are ground away, additional welding or installation of weights. Balance report included after a balancing.
  • Inlet cones and fan ducts are checked if desired. Inlet cones and fan ducts can either be welded or coated with composite or chemical metal.
  • If the system is grease-lubricated, the grease is changed as desired.
  • Alignment of clutch if fan is installed with clutch. This is done using laser instruments.
  • Alignment of pulleys and belts when fan is installed with belt drive. This is done using laser instruments.
  • In addition to preventive service, we also offer clean repairs where we can help with the production of spare parts.

En okulär kontroll utförs på flera komponenter, inklusive lager, lagerhus, bälgar, kompensatorer, stativ, fundament, gummi, elmotor och maskinfötter. Dessutom genomförs en slitagekontroll på fläkthjulet, dess nav, axeln och lösa delar. För en mer ingående analys kan tjockleks- och vibrationsmätningar utföras. Dessa åtgärder kan implementeras antingen före den planerade serviceåtgärden eller genom realtidsuppföljning/nulägeanalys i molntjänster.

Balansering av fläkthjulet är en viktig del av servicen, där obalanser slipas bort, tilläggssvetsas eller vikter installeras vid behov. En balansrapport medföljer efter varje balansering.

Eventuella önskemål om kontroll av inloppskonor och fläktkanaler beaktas, och vid behov svetsas eller beläggs dessa med komposit eller kemisk metall. Om systemet är fettsmord byts fettet enligt kundens önskemål.

Vid installation med koppling genomförs uppriktning av koppling med hjälp av laserinstrument. På liknande sätt görs uppriktning av remskivor och remmar om fläkten drivs med remdrift, även detta med hjälp av laserinstrument.

Sammanfattningsvis kan ovanstående åtgärder ses som en mer förebyggande service. Självklart erbjuder vi även rena reparationer och kan bistå med framtagning av reservdelar vid behov.


Within our wide range you will find similar services for pumps as for fans. Checks and various measurements are carried out on pumps to ensure their condition, performance and availability. A thorough inspection of the impeller, shaft, liner, wear ring and more is performed as part of our comprehensive service.

Service Services

  • Impeller, shaft, liner, wear ring, etc. are checked.
  • Balancing of impellers where imbalances are ground off or additionally welded.
  • Balance report included after a balancing.
  • We also perform coatings of impellers for extended protection.
  • Inspection and maintenance of mechanical seals - mechanical shaft seals.
  • Mechanical seals can be ground/lapped with us with very high accuracy.

  • Storage/sales of mechanical seals.

  • Complete solutions in the form of conversions that provide increased safety for man and machine, operational savings and environmental benefits.
  • Repair of mechanical seals regardless of make.

Welcome to discuss professional maintenance of rotating equipment!

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