Privacy Policy

Why this policy?
We provide this policy with these guidelines to inform you about how we handle your personal data. The policy is to safeguard the rights and privacy required of us as a company and is based on the GDPR regulation (General Data Protection Regulation). This policy covers external parties and does not handle internal personal data of our employees. We update the policy continuously to always use the current version.

What data is processed and why?
We process your personal data when we have a legitimate interest or another legal basis for processing your personal data. We do this in order to conduct our business and fulfill our obligations according to law and agreements towards customers, suppliers and other involved parties. We process personal data to maintain the business relationship, ensure guarantees, good service, follow-up, information and customer analyses.

Our starting point is not to process more personal data than necessary. We always strive to use the least privacy-sensitive information about you. Sensitive personal data such as ethnic origin, political opinions, sexual orientation or religious beliefs are not stored. Contact and personal information of people at our suppliers is low, but the information that exists is mainly used to communicate purchases, price inquiries and technical questions.

Personal data that we process is name, address, e-mail, telephone number, position/title. We also process social security numbers when companies are run as sole proprietorships. Everyone has the right to object if we use personal data for direct marketing. When we collect personal data on an ongoing basis, we provide information about this and how to unregister from this. We do not store personal data longer than we need based on legal requirements and/or legitimate interest.

Where and how is the personal data stored?
We store personal data in the business system, VISMA administration, the telephone exchange, in physical binders and on our computers in, among other things, Office programs and common internal platforms. Through the templates and maps we have made within the company, we consider ourselves to have good control over all personal data and can thus show what data we have and where it is stored. This mapping will form the basis of the data subject's rights when requesting extracts.

When we collect or receive personal data in a way other than through a direct business relationship, we will inform you about why and what it will be used for. We can receive information that is registered in, for example, the following ways: information that people provide us directly, via visits to our websites, via inquiries to our employees, via registration for our courses and trainings and via registration for newsletters and other mailings.

Our starting point is not to disclose personal data to third parties if there is no consent or if it is not necessary to fulfill our obligations according to agreement or law. AVOMA AB may, for example, provide your personal data to third parties such as forwarders of our products. In cases where a third party makes use of your personal data, we ensure that this data is processed in a reassuring manner and that we draw up a confidentiality agreement.

Newsletters and information mailings
You can unsubscribe from newsletters or similar informational mailings that you receive at any time. You can easily do this via the information in the current mailing or email us at You can cancel a given consent to the processing of personal data at any time. If your personal data is processed in violation of the current Personal Data Act, you always have the right to have it corrected, blocked or deleted completely. You have the right once a year to be notified of which personal data is being processed about you, regardless of how it has been collected by us. If such information is relevant, you must submit a written request to us with a signature - You cannot therefore send this request to us via e-mail, fax or scanner. You can find the current address under the "Contact Us" tab
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Contact details for questions regarding the GDPR
Turbinvägen 11
59161 Motala
Tel. 0141 – 473 999